Lasagne Alla Valdostana Recipe

Lasagna alla valdostana have many ways on how to cook it. Many Ingredients may differ but the Cheese Used in this Recipe always the Same, it's cheese from the Valley which is "Fontina".

 (INGRIDIENTS Per 4 persone)
For Ragu sauce:
*200 G . Ground  beef
*200 G. salsiccia or  Ground pork ( I used Salsiccia)
*1 medium carrots
*350 g Tomato sauce/ Passata di Pomodori
*1 Onion
*150 g Celery/ Sedano
*3 leaves Salvia
*cooking oil
FOR Pasta  *6 sheets
I used " 280 G Fontina" cheese in Valley d Aosta
You can substitute to other kind of your desired cheese. But if you want authentic Valdostana Lasagna then Stick to "Fontina".

* For those who doesn't have Any cheese available, I will Recommend "Bechamela or white sauce" you can substitute for Cheese. 

You'll need:

20g. Butter
2 tbsp. ALL PURPOSE Flour
500 ml. MILK
Pinch  of SalT 

METHOD for making "Bechamela" 

*In a. Non stick Pot. Combine all Ingredients, bring to boil while stirring constantly, ( make sure your fire set to low) cook for 5 to 7 min. Until becomes creamy. 

* Spread Bechamela every layer of your lasagna. (pls. Don't attempt to add cheese) Bechamela is Good together with the "Ragu Sauce" 

(Note: Always Remember  Changing  1 of Ingridients Listed  Taste will be differ) 

METHOD for "Ragu

STEP 1:  
Clean and Mince Onions, Celery, And Carrots using food processor or blender will do
(mix all together)

STEP 2: 
In  a  Large pot, add Cooking oil. Then sauté the Minced (carrots, Celery, onions) wait till becomes lightly brown.. ADD Ground Meat Stir Contantly. Keep browning the meat,( 7 min over medium--high heat)

 Add tomato Sauce, plus a Half cup of water.. Simmer for about 1 hr.  Until sauce thickened.

Set aside for 20 min.

When cooking "Ragu" sauce, I always made up to 2 kg.  of meat in total,  and cook for about  3 to 4  hrs over Low to medium fire.  And when cooled I divided the sauce Into 1 serving for atleast 4 person and Freeze them.  CAN preserve in freezer for a couple of months. 😉

OK, Preparing now for  "Pasta Lasagna Sheets*

*If you're using Fresh Pasta sheets. You don't need to cook them. It's ready to assemble👍. 

*have already Pasta lasagna You bought at store but you need to cook them. Cooking time just read according to the label on the box. BUT please cook 80% only. ALWAYS add Salt in the boiling water. (remember pasta will cook more when you bake it)  this is what I used now.

TO Assemble the Lasagna:

STEP 4: 

IN  your prepared Rectangular Baking Pan, fill  first of 3 tbsp.  Ragu  Sauce in the bottom. Then Arrange the Lasagna Sheets, (Just put 1 or 2 sheets every layer) After Fill the top of Lasagna Sheets  with Sauce then  add  the Thin sliced Cheese, Repeat the process till Finished. ( I adviced  Make 2 to 3 Layers)

STEP 5: 
Bake in PReheated Oven 200°C for 45 min.

Serve Immediately!.


ANY QUESTIONS?? FEEL free to leave me message, Glad to reply you! 
